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Nikkie White
Nikkie White | 21 January 2021

An introduction to our Kin team - Nikkie White

Welcome Nikkie!

Why is purpose important in business?

Without purpose there is no reason, no passion, and the drive and motivation behind actions are so limited. Regardless of what you do, who you work for, work with or what you want to achieve, if there is no purpose the beauty of success can just feel so empty.

What do you love about working with Kin?

I love that everybody at Kin truly values how important the relationships are with both the client and the candidate, and that when we say we will do something, we actually do it!

Why are you passionate about working with Kin clients?

Working with a diverse range of clients that have such a strong social conscience and truly appreciate the importance of hiring the best people aligned to the company culture and a role is unique. I love that our clients are interested in the process and diversity of how we work which enables us to collaborate and consult with their best intentions at heart always.

In your opinion, what’s the most important part of the recruitment process, and why?

I believe that the most important part of the recruitment process is when a client and candidate meet for the first time. This is quite often that first step in knowing for both parties if they can build a relationship and work together while being able to align both their needs and wants, I love those first phone calls from both parties after they meet. It is so important for clients to know that a candidate also selects them and that it is not a one-sided process.

What’s been a special moment (or a moment that matters) for you since starting at Kin, and why?

Coming back into the workforce after a long time away was quite daunting but the overall support from the team at Kin has absolutely blown me away. In an environment where everybody is so busy, every single member of the team will always have time to talk through any challenges or questions but they also celebrate the success and celebrations with you at any opportunity. Kin is just an amazing bunch of people who genuinely care about what they are doing.