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Erina Jamieson1
Erina Jamieson | 20 September 2021

An introduction to our Kin team - Erina Jamieson

Without purpose, we're aimless. Sure we can probably get on well enough without, but we're in business for a reason, and why not make it magnificent?

Why is purpose important in business? 

Everyone has their own purpose, their why. And I think we need to celebrate that. It helps us stay true to course when navigating choppy seas, or overthinking things. 

What do you love about working with Kin? 

I absolutely love how values-driven we are.  And that it actually is how it's described on the tin - it's not just pretty words for the website! I can be my best dorky self here, and that's pretty freaking awesome. Eventually I'll get them all listening to pirate metal - one step at a time... (sorry-not-sorry team)

Why are you passionate about working with Kin clients? 

The diversity among our clients floored me when I started here - in the 2-ish months I've been with Kin, I've met some stunningly talented and driven New Zealand companies. I've also noticed how people-centric so many of our clients are, how much they care about their team and customers.  That's really lovely to see. And I get to recruit for them, share their stories, and help make quality connections for them - it's a real privilege.

In your opinion, what’s the most important part of the recruitment process, and why? 

Getting a really clear brief from the start - this goes back to the purpose comments above.  Without a clear understanding of the role and the context around the role, we'll be guessing at best - and that's deeply unsatisfying. Knowing how a client ticks and what the people of that organisation care about helps me identify candidates with similar values. 

What’s been a special moment (or a moment that matters) for you since starting at Kin, and why? 

New Zealand went into level 4 lockdown shortly after I started. The care for my wellbeing was so kind, and so genuinely given by the team here. It meant a lot.