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Theresa Nguyen
Theresa Nguyen | 10 September 2019

An Introduction to our Kin Team - Theresa Nguyen

We have our client's business at heart and see ourselves as an extension of their team. Most of our clients work only with Kin as they have seen first-hand the value we add.

Why is purpose important in a business?

 A purpose is how we make our difference in this world, and in our case - the recruitment world.  And sure – we are here to satisfy the needs of both clients and candidates by connecting them together, but Kin’s purpose spans far beyond a typical transaction. We are successful in what we do without ever becoming complacent.

 What do you love about working for Kin?

 Where do I start? Can I say everything? All Kin family share the same values and goals. My favourite value is “delight.” We sure love to delight!  We are all genuine, driven and wholesome.  We have a flexible working environment, strong mentors, fresh offices, the latest technology and a regularly replenished snack bar.

 Why are you passionate about working with Kin clients?

 Our clients trust us. That makes for a great start. We have their business at heart and see ourselves as an extension of their business. Most of our clients work only with Kin as they have seen first-hand the value we add. We know them well and have a thorough understanding of who they are the personalities and skill-sets required to continue their success.

 In your opinion, what’s the most important part of the recruitment process, and why?

 Personally, I think every step of the recruitment process is equally as important. From understanding the client’s needs by taking a thorough job brief, to getting to know the candidate's drivers and skill set. I am advocating for both to create perfect harmony so there are no stones left unturned. Being able to pick up the phone and make the offer to the candidate at the end of the process always gives me a huge buzz.

 What’s been a special moment (or a moment that matters) for you since starting at Kin.

 Sitting in our stunning boardroom with the best recruiters in the market, each taking it in turns to share all the wonderful clients we are currently doing business with. Celebrating the success of the candidates who have just accepted their dream role, and general Kin family-feel conversation.