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Stacey Aubry | 2 July 2021

An introduction to our Kin team - Stacey Aubry

Being clear on your purpose will inform and underpin everything else you do.

Why is purpose important in business?

Being clear on your purpose will inform and underpin everything else you do. It grounds you in why your business exists, what you want to achieve and how you want to show up – for your employees, your clients and your customers.

What do you love about working with Kin?

Lots of things! I love the diversity of roles, the amazing clients who are doing incredible things, the supportive and collaborative team, and that Kin really values and provides opportunity for genuine connection with our clients and candidates.

Why are you passionate about working with Kin clients?

I love providing expertise and advice on a great recruitment process, and in doing so, ensuring an exceptional experience for both clients and candidates. The diversity of roles and clients also means that I get to learn every single day! It’s fascinating being introduced to new clients and learning about their business and point of difference.

In your opinion, what’s the most important part of the recruitment process, and why?

Getting a really thorough brief from the client is the most important. It’s key to not only understand the role they are recruiting for, but also about them as an organisation – their history, their culture and what they’re all about. From there you can really talk about their story to prospective candidates and get them excited and engaged about the opportunity. This is important as today’s candidates are smart and more discerning; they’re not just looking for a job, they’re also looking for an organisation and culture they feel aligned with and that will give them the growth and challenge opportunities they’re seeking.

What’s been a special moment (or a moment that matters) for you since starting at Kin, and why?

There’s been a few! But one that stands out is taking a brief with an inspiring client who is doing revolutionary work that is a NZ and world first. The role was going to be critical to their success and I felt I could really make a difference to their organisation and find them someone amazing. It was a real “this is why I’m here” moment for me.