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Nicola McGregor | 11 May 2022

An Introduction to our Kin Team - Nicola McGregor

"Kin has changed the way I think about recruitment".

Why is purpose important in business? 

Purpose, drive, determination, and having a commitment to succeed are all important in business. If this is lacking, you won’t meet your goals and objectives, and you also won’t build trust with employees or clients. Having trust with clients and employees is key and is something that is built in good times, which helps businesses get through the hard times. This has been particularly key to business in recent times.

What do you love about working with Kin? 

Many things! Kin has changed the way I think about recruitment. It’s such a refreshing approach where we truly partner with our clients and build winning relationships. I love working with my supportive colleagues and also getting to know many amazing candidates; it’s so special being part of their journey in finding that opportunity to advance their career. It’s almost sad once we have filled a role and have to move to another… but also very rewarding.

Why are you passionate about working with Kin clients? 

One of the most important things for me is getting to know our clients better. Taking time at the start of a recruitment process is so key in being knowledgeable when it matters (e.g. for the candidate who asks lots of great questions!). And our clients are so interesting! I love the diversity of the roles we find amazing candidates for.

In your opinion, what’s the most important part of the recruitment process, and why? 

Finding that candidate who values, needs, wants, and desires all align with the role and client. This is so important as you know it’s a good fit when everyone is happy. Conversely, when it doesn’t feel right and both parties cannot agree, even before signing a contract, you just know it would not be a good working relationship. This can cause a lot of re-work, so it’s key to get it right first time.

What’s been a special moment (or a moment that matters) for you since starting at Kin, and why? 

I really loved our Kin team day. Unfortunately, we all couldn’t get together in the same room, but it was awesome to get to know some Kin folks a bit better. Seeing our team living our values, whether it be taking time out to just sit and talk, is amazing when we all are so busy with 101 things we could be getting on with. That was a special part of the day.